Let us show you how our cutting edge “pre-collections” services will reduce your need for actual collections over time.

Our collectors have 100s of years of combined experience. Your personal representative will handle all of your needs professionally, efficiently, and without delay.

Credit Reporting
How do you know that your prospective client is being honest on their credit application? With our extremely well known suite of credit reports, we will take the guesswork out of the credit approval process, and reduce the amount of defaults.

Contact & Support
Whether you are looking to ask questions about, or place an account for collections, we are here for you 24 hours a day. Just call our 800 number, and one of our friendly operators will get you directed to the right person right away.
Commercial COLLECTIONS – when experience counts!
Everything you need to recover your assets. Quickly. Without stress.
Our Areas of Expertise
List of services provided:
Credit Reports
Legal Filings
- Chicago
- Dallas
- Denver
- Los Angeles
- New York
- Seattle
- Tampa